I owned a store in Catalina for 30 some years so now after a 4th hip operation its time to do something new. Hopefully it will be an entertaining venture...............

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Fear not! - Laughter awaits with satirical views on life.

It amazes me that even a person's speech is running in the fast lane nowadays. You don't dare take a breath if you're trying to say something without the knowledge that someone will finish speaking what they think you're going to say. I feel sorry for anyone with a slow gait. They'll be run over before they realize what they were trying to think of let alone say. There's a travel show host on television that especially annoys me and I really think they mean well, it just seems they're afraid to breathe. This person's constantly asking questions, adding things before the guests have a chance to answer the original question asked of them. What are people scared of? Do they think their voice boxes will disintegrate unless they keep them in motion?

Lawyer's analytical shows rule the roost when it comes to the interruption route. Maybe they have respect for each other's way of thinking but you wouldn't know it by the way they shout at each other at times before each other has a chance to explain themselves. Everything is rush, rush! Got to best the other. Not much listening goes on. But maybe I'm so far behind the times I don't realize time is money. And in order to get money you have to talk fast.

I have such a soft voice maybe that's what's wrong? By the time people strain to hear what they think I'm going to say they've lost their train of thought. It's kinda like what you're trying to read sometimes. You get lost in the long explanation the writer is trying to convey so you skip over the words only to find at the end of the article that it doesn't make sense because you ignored what they were telling you. Anyway I guess I'll call a halt to this dissertation since you've already figured out what I was going to say.

Relatives. What else can I say? Some of them are good, some bad. Just like Yahoo or Google e-mail you've got to learn to sort through them. The saying "Blood is thicker than water" isn't necessarily true when its being donated by someone who emails you to tell you that his occupation is the king of 'witch hunters'. Words are just that, particularly when you only communicate through a robotic system which allows one physical anonymity so that body language doesn't count when attempting to decipher the human code. Finding long lost relatives through e-mail is interesting, notably when they scam you for some irrational unjust thing you supposedly did to their senses eons ago. An example of this is that about six months ago my uncle sent my Dad a self-published book done by his son whom at this juncture we have not seen or spoken to in over twenty-five years. To do a good deed, so I mistakenly thought, I would e-mail my first cousin to perhaps bring our lives closer in touch. Right there I should have distinguished that e-mail is not like talking to someone on the phone or in person in some cases. But being a curious sort and knowing he was a close relative I pursued my goal.
Like I say, the object of this missive is to learn to like e-mail by differentiating and defining penned chat with the naked eye. Well maybe six months worth of e-mail is a magic number for me? Six months into my e-mail patter with the aforementioned cousin, who by now has sent me unsolicited real time letters he was sending to ex-in-laws as he tried to score for himself a harassment court case against them, he e-mails me and tells me out of the blue I've made him sick from some Christmas card I sent him nine years ago. That I'm no longer his cousin, and not to ever contact him again.-So I don't. But apparently he has to have more than the last word on things and therefore a month later he emails me to tell me I'm going to be testifying against him his his court case in another state. I have no idea what I'm going to be testifying to but it ought to be hilarious since I don't even know what he looks like, and also as he figures out in court I haven't done a thing other than work hard and take my bumps along the way just like every one else has to. ..Needless to say I won't be doing anymore good deeds by e-mail but maybe you can learn to learn to like e-mail?

P.S. ..By the way, Suz is a hybrid of Susan & Susie. It is bestowed upon me when my family can't decide whether to give me respect or put me in the dog house. Suz is pronounced like the word lose, but I'm not gonna!
My next blogging will probably be about my effort to thank a couple of MP's stationed at Ft. Huchaucha, Arizona in the middle 1970's for their hospitality when I found myself begging , in the middle of the night on a deserted road, for a place to stay. I ended up in their brig by choice. It was an interesting event!

check out http://suz2u.livejournal.com/

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